Sunday, February 28, 2016

Waving The White Flag to Another Season

Sky telly versus the Madman
Whether it's Facebook or Twitter there's always one fan
Stirring the pot
This is a season that deserves to be forgot
We've had worse and it's not over yet
Squabbles about debt
Ownership woes
Crossing fingers and toes
That this dies down (ha!)
Had enough of the Italian clown
Jury's out on Evans for now
But this season take a bow
It's all about the boardroom blunders
Headline grabbing groans
Lots of misery and dull deadline loans
Look over at Leicester and feel depressed
Mind you could be a Villa fan that's stressed!
Chris Woods where art thou?
Bit of an injury jinx right now
The Beard seems shorn of positivity
Not hard to see
That it's not just fans struggling to focus
Anyone believe Massimo's muddled hocus pocus?
Its a free country
We can agree to disagree
But most of us surely know after Chelski Ken
We handed yet another chancer a poisoned pen
The kids are just there until someone else comes calling
The facade of selling Leeds on yesterday's glory is falling
We need to build a wall
Start a rallying call
Fortress Elland Road needs a refurb
Look beyond the HMRC blurb
The cracks go beyond the board
We're all falling on our own sword
It's a disease that's spreading
Uncomfortably numb
Many die hards no longer want to come
To see the Mighty Leeds this season
Which sounds like treason
But enough is enough
The going needs to get tough

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Everything Is (Less Than) Average Nowadays

We gifted them a goal
Dug ourselves a massive hole
Feels like free fall
Soon be Egotistical Evan's curtain call
Mad Massimo continues to divide and rule 
Don't know who's the bigger fool
Those who part with their hard earned cash
To watch gutless trash 
Or the men in suits allowing this circus to continue
Oh the men in white yellow and blue
You try everyone's patience and pride
Which side?
Who to back?
Wooton on the rack 
Silvestri butter fingers 
The old bitter feeling lingers
We expected to lose today 
What can I say?
It's a culmination of messy mediocrities
As we drop to our knees 
Praying for better next time around
The sinking feeling brings us to the ground
Nothing changes nothing will
What a bitter pill
Until someone puts in a long term deal
And we're not just some mad millionaire's next meal
Not a fan of Cellino
But if he is to go
No certainties of a solvent saviour
Nor a manager with better behaviour
Oh well folks another cup run done
Let the nostalgic music run
Don't know what's ahead
But certainly that's the just about put to bed