I should be there
I should care
But truth laid bare?
All's not well
Friends and family been disinterested for a long spell
Whether the passion will return time will tell
Uncomfortably numb with disinterest
Disappointed we didn't put up a stern test
The off pitch stuff remains a painful pest
As playoffs a pipe dream once more
Will Steve Evans be shown the door?
What does next season have in store?
Fair play to season ticket renewal folk
But I personally think the club is a sick joke
Needs to get off the canvas and fight
We've lost sight
Of what it is to be Leeds United
No matter what's been said
The old problems have never been put to bed
Whether it's in fighting
Player contract expediting
Can't say it's not exciting
For the neutral it's worthy of a soap
But I just don't know how employees cope
Promotion seems a very distant hope
We need to pull together
Pre season push hell for leather
Marching On Together