Much like Steve Evans is the damsel in distress
I must confess
I have no clue what's going down
With the Italian clown
While David Haigh goes to town
With revelations and protestations
There's all sorts of problems and permeations
To fuel the fans frustrations
Sack him or back him
Patience wearing thin
With last year's team promotion we are not going to win
Major surgery seems permanently postponed
The men in white coats need to be phoned
A few PR savvy skills for the boardroom need to be honed
Steve isn't the answer long term
Some of the tactics as outdated as the perm
But as Cellino squirms
It's obvious we are rotten to the core
Fans know the score
No one credible bartering down the door
Why should they on past glory?
It's a sorry story
A Tim Burton version of Jackanory
Planning patience and perseverance
Giving a manager a chance
Money opens a few doors
But do a Ridsdale and you'll go through the floors
Twitter trolls and ludicrous laws
Whole thing is a circus
Time to Go Massimo kicking up a fuss
As we get the green eyed monster viewing the rival playoff bus
It's time to pull together
Now or never
Can we truly be Marching On Together?