Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What's This?! A Positive Post!!!

Big Bad Bates is out the door
Yorkshire Radio is no more
Slimy Shaun Harvey is somehow Football League Chair
They've got some screws loose there!...
A few drifting deadwood

If we shift them soon that'd be good
I don't need to name and shame but brutish Brown and disastrous Danny Pugh
Aside from sticking the boot in & bench warming what do they do?!
Bye bye route one hoof and no hope
Good riddance to a dippy defence as slippery as soap
McDermott is steadying the ship
Hell, even a Codhead mate has made us his tip

To finally end our exile
And return to football's top pile
Lots to do, wingers, proven goalscorers to be hired
But buoyant Brian's bullish positivity has to be admired
It'll take more than Red Bull to give the team wings
Some Saudi guy may mix up a few things
Yet what'll make the difference is clarity and passion from the boardroom suited to the fans in the stands
We don't want playoffs or promotion also-rans

We need to win this outright
Roll up the sleeves and fight
Strap yourselves in
Let's start the journey with a win!